Wills, Trusts, and Estate Planning 

Wills, Trusts, and Estate Planning

The Ratchford Firm is proud to serve as a legal advocate and counselor to families in Georgia regarding the transfer of wealth and assets. Whether you are seeking a new will, updating an existing will, or probating an estate, our Firm will guide you through the process and help ensure that your wishes are honored at the time of your passing.  We have extensive experience in types of Probate matters.  Our lawyers advise clients on advantageous estate planning opportunities as they apply within the context of the particular family situation. We draft a variety of instruments, such as Wills, Powers of Attorney, and Advance Directives, to ensure your final wishes are formalized. The Ratchford Firm assists its clients in:

  • Setting up family trusts;
  • Advising in the area of estate and trust administration;
  • Establishing private family foundations and other charitable and nonprofit corporations;
  • Structuring various types of lifetime and testamentary charitable gifts and bequests;
  • Guardianship petitions for incapacitated adults; and
  • A variety of other probate matters.

Our lawyers are also experiences probate litigators and can help ensure that your family receives the best possible outcome when a will or trust is contested or questioned.  Our firm is particularly experienced in estate planning for senior citizens, veterans, and families with a disabled member.  If you have any needs or questions with regards to a probate court matter, please contact our office today for a consultation.

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